The Woodlands
at Cottonwood Canyon

Grab your
party pants.
Colleen Neidow
Maid of Honor

Emma Clouse
The Big Sister

Lily Clouse
Fellow Middle Child

Sophia Clouse
The Family Baby

Hannah Hixson
YouTube Fanatic

Chelsea Olson
A.K.A. Chaz or Chastity

Caitlin Armstrong
Once Hit Connor With A Bike

Anna Simkins
Mate From Uni

Katie Werner
Friend Since Puberty

Sophie Mann
1st Real Adult Friend

Kevin Kuchta
Beer Pong Partner

Peter Morley
Like a Tan Brother

Gramme Sowell
Friend Since Bus #21

Ryan Esser
Survived Living With Connor

Brecken Olson
The Tiny Groomsman

Mike Olson
Hates Tomatoes / Brother-in-Law

Tyler Armstrong
Nebraska's Finest Brother-in-Law

Jacopo Scrinzi
Fratello Italiano